Back to School...all things Uniform

Back to School...all things Uniform

It is that time of year, ahead of back to school, when we start to think about uniforms. And this year there have been moves in the education sector to provide more inclusive uniform policies in schools, whether that is on price for social inclusion or gender neutral options to allow students to be themselves.

So, what about work dress codes?  Some organisations will have a staff uniform that governs expectations. Others may have a dress code policy with strict do’s and don’ts. Or perhaps it left up to employees to gauge for themselves, with all the confusion of having unwritten rules!

As a basic rule, any dress code policy or uniform expectation should be non discriminatory. But it should also be sensible, proportionate and flexible enough to allow for cultural differences.   And it is great to see some high profile changes happening such as Virgin cabin crew no longer having to wear make up, or the #kutoo movement in Japan, or Goldman Sachs relaxing their dress code.

When did you last review your dress code? Does it still reflect your organisation and employees in 2019?

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