Berlin - a city made from its past
I recently visited Berlin for a few days, somewhere I have wanted to go for some time.
Travelling from the airport to the hotel it was obvious we were staying in the old East Berlin part of the city. Whilst there are modern buildings across the city, the differences between East and West are still striking.
And a lasting impression for me is a city and a people who have learnt from and taken ownership of their shared history, whilst ensuring the atrocities are not celebrated. For example, there is a fantastic memorial to the Holocaust (picture below) but nothing to mark where Hilter’s bunker used to be.
Modern Germany now has its Parliament in Berlin, moved from Bonn (West) and Berlin (East) and housed in the renovated Reichstag building. The refurbishment and development of this building since the fall of the Berlin Wall has successfully combined preservation of the historic building which was pre 20th century with the installation of the ultra modern glazing and energy conservation housed within the dome. Visitors to the building can climb the inside of the dome from where they can look down into the main Parliament chamber, a lasting reminder to the politicians that the people are above them, and they serve the people.
Overall, I would strongly recommend visiting Berlin, there’s so much more than I’ve had space to include here. And it is a city with a difficult past that the people do not shy away from but it is also one of the most inspirational places I have ever been!