How am I doing?
Why is it so hard to ask for feedback in work and business? Why don’t we want to know the opinions of others on our work? Especially when learning from feedback and reflecting on the contents of it are really useful tools in improving our own skills and performance.
I’m not an expert but from my research, there can be a variety of reasons why we find it tough to ask others for their thoughts, anything from Imposter Syndrome to a kind of self preservation in situations where we assume the feedback will be negative. Or, perhaps it is because we don’t want to fail or be seen to fail? But surely we want to be our best and we cannot do this if we do not know where we can improve?
So, lets assume we’ve been brave and asked for feedback….turns out its good news, the feedback is positive….now what?
We need to be able to celebrate the praise we receive, whether that is good feedback from a boss, colleague or customer, a five star review or even an Award.
But being stereotypically “British” we tend to understate our achievements, be embarrassed by mentioning it, and celebrating any positivity almost feels like being arrogant or egotistical. Some great advice from a podcast I recently listened to (thanks to Squiggly Careers) was to practice accepting compliments, then to use the positive feedback in increasing your own self awareness and self esteem, then finding it easier to celebrate good feedback.
So, any more positive customer responses for CG Pro-Active HR, you’ll see it all here to celebrate!
And feel free to comment your own achievements below.